Forum Discussion

Bhupendra's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Jun 20, 2023


I want to put below condition on irule, please help

1. If source IP matches and URI is /A  and /B traffic should be forwarded to POOL A

2. If user is accessing /C-new, rewrite URI to /C and forward to POOL A

3. if not matches 1 and 2 condition defalut POOL B

  • Hi Bhupendra , 
    in Step 2 of rewrite >>> do you need the source ip matches as well or Not ? 

    So you need to match on specific source IP address/address first and then match /A or /B then move traffic to pool A but if the same match on source ip address/addresses but with uri starts with /c-new modify it to be /C and forward traffic to pool A 

    if non of those forward to pool B 

    that's Correct ? 


    • Bhupendra's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      Hi Mohamed_Ahmed_Kansoh 


      in Step 2 of rewrite >>> do you need the source ip matches as well or Not ? ------- >>>>No we don't want to match source IP here only URI with any source.

      So you need to match on specific source IP address/address first and then match /A or /B then move traffic to pool A but if the same match on source ip address/addresses but with uri starts with /c-new modify it to be /C and forward traffic to pool A 

      if non of those forward to pool B
      that's Correct ? ----------------->>First condition match on specific source IP address/address first  then match URI /A or /B for selected source IPs then move traffic to pool A

      Second condition -any source with uri starts with /c-new modify it to be /C and forward traffic to pool A

      If no condition match from 1&2 then default traffic should be route POOL B

      • Hi Bhupendra , 

        Use this irule : 

        when HTTP_REQUEST {
            if { ( [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals x.x.x.x ] ) and ( ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/A") or ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/B" ) ) }{
                log local0. " First Condition matched >>>> GO TO POOL A 🙂 "
                pool POOL_A
            } elseif { ( [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/C-new" ) }{
             HTTP::uri [string map -nocase {"/C-new " "/C"} [HTTP::uri]]
               log local0. " 2nd Condition matched (String MAP did it work ) >>>> GO TO POOL A 🙂 "
               pool POOL_A
            } else {
            log local0. " 3rd Condition matched ( Default path ) >>>> GO TO POOL B 🙂 "

        Don't forget to assign POOL_B as a default pool in Virtual server resources , to forward traffic in case the last condition ( Default ) triggered. 

        >> Also Make sure that there are no multiple requests are sent for each web page. 

        I mean : 
        if you sent req like this by the specified source address it should be forwarded correct to pool_A. 
        But what if at the same time your web page needs multiple requests like

        so make sure you send only single request per page. 


  • Maybe think about using a local traffic policy rather than an iRule. It will be more efficient and easier for you to manage