Forum Discussion
Irule to insert source IP in UDP payload
Hi All,
can anyone please provide me with iRule that insert Source IP address in UDP payload?
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set payloadLength [UDP::payload length] set address [IP::client_addr] set addressLength [ string length $address ] UDP::payload replace $payloadLength $addressLength $address }
You can also use the CLIENT_DATA and SERVER_DATA events and take a look at
- PeteWhiteEmployee
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set payloadLength [UDP::payload length] set address [IP::client_addr] set addressLength [ string length $address ] UDP::payload replace $payloadLength $addressLength $address }
You can also use the CLIENT_DATA and SERVER_DATA events and take a look at
- AndresSolanoNimbostratus
I tried this iRule for DNS and as soon as I apply the rule in the VIP I stop getting responses, also while collecting captures on the LTM I a "Malformed Packet" on the query from the LTM and the response from the server is a "refused".
Any idea what could be causing this issue? Did you got it working on your side?
- PeteWhiteEmployee
This is not for DNS - it inserts the source IP address into the DNS request so it will then not be properly DNS formatted. What do you want to do?
For DNS, you should look at the DNS events and commands:
- jayendra07Nimbostratus
so if we need to insert source-IP in TCP payload, we just need to replace UDP with TCP in given irule ?
set payloadLength [TCP::payload length]
set address [IP::client_addr]
set addressLength [ string length $address ]
TCP::payload replace $payloadLength $addressLength $address
- Ahmed_GalalCirrostratus
thank you 😄
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