Forum Discussion
Nov 17, 2015Nimbostratus
iRule to allow only some IPs, Data traffic.
I'm trying to create an iRule for only allowing certain IPs through to a VIP. I was given this iRule by a co-worker, but it doesn't seem to work. All traffic appears to be getting blocked. I...
- Nov 17, 2015
Couple things. Try adding
and put your reject in theIP::addr
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { switch [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]] { 10.XX.XX.XX - 10.XX.XX.XX - 10.XX.XX.XX - 10.XX.XX.XX - 10.XX.XX.XX - 10.XX.XX.XX { return } default { reject log local0. "Connection rejected from [IP::client_addr]" } } }
Nov 17, 2015Nacreous
Couple things. Try adding
and put your reject in the default
switch [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]] {
10.XX.XX.XX -
10.XX.XX.XX -
10.XX.XX.XX -
10.XX.XX.XX -
10.XX.XX.XX -
10.XX.XX.XX { return }
default {
log local0. "Connection rejected from [IP::client_addr]"
- Brad_Parker_139Nov 17, 2015NacreousAlso, if you ever plan on expanding the list of allowed IPs a data group would be better to manage. when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if { [class match [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]] equals allowedIPs_dg] }{ return } else { reject log local0. "Connection rejected from [IP::client_addr]" } }
- grilledcheez_21Nov 17, 2015NimbostratusI will give that a try. Thanks!
- grilledcheez_21Nov 17, 2015NimbostratusSo interestingly, it seemed to have caused the servers to not connect that I was trying to allow. I'm trying to allow the ones listed in the iRule. Anyway, apparently the servers returned with a bunch of SSL failures.
- grilledcheez_21Nov 17, 2015NimbostratusI think I'll give that class match a try. This switch IP address doesn't seem to work. Thanks.
- grilledcheez_21Nov 17, 2015NimbostratusSo it appears it still does not work. What happens is it keeps getting SSL errors, pipe broken. Now with this implementation the F5 is not offloading the SSL certs, we tried, but the app is so old it would just break. So the clients and servers are doing the SSL certs on their own and F5 is transparent. So I don't understand why this is causing the 'pipe' to break. This simple script to block out IPs not allowed should be not be breaking the SSL or 'pipe'. I don't get it.
- Brad_Parker_139Nov 17, 2015NacreousSSL errors would occur after the TCP 3way handshake. If you are getting an SSL error, then the connection is making through your iRule.
- grilledcheez_21Nov 17, 2015NimbostratusSo then what could the iRule be doing that would cause it to think that the SSL is having issues? It works fine without the rule, as soon as I put the rule in, it breaks. :(
- Brad_Parker_139Nov 17, 2015NacreousSo you have the log statement in your iRule. Is is logging that it is rejecting the traffic? Also, can you do a tcpdump to capture a failed connection? tcpdump -s0 -ni :nnn host and host .
- grilledcheez_21Nov 17, 2015NimbostratusRight, still learning to troubleshoot with this thing. Should have thought of that. Anyway, I found this error in the logs. Tue Nov 17 14:18:06 EST 2015 err slot1/LTM02 tmm4[8476] 01220001 TCL error: /Common/RNG_AllowedIPs - invalid command name "IP::addr10.130.21.20" while executing "IP::addr[IP::client_addr]" Ps. Thanks for all your assistance on this, Brad. It is very appreciated.
- grilledcheez_21Nov 17, 2015NimbostratusHmmm.... I'm also being told by a fellow co-worker that I should try importing using the iRule editor, as I was just coping and pasting out of there, but sometimes formatting gets messed up when copied and pasted.
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