Irule query
Hi, I have a webfarm redirection VIP on F5. Most of the legacy urls are redirected by webservices./middle ware team on these servers. But for one request, they were not able to do redirection, hence i have return irule and it is working fine.
set host [string tolower [HTTP::host]]
set uri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]
if { $host == "abc" && $uri == "/" } {
HTTP::redirect "; }
elseif { $host == "; && $uri == "/support" }
{ HTTP::redirect ";
Now my question is what if other url lets say or [] are trying to access , will these get redirected to backend webservers, does, i rule allows it to pass to nodes to process request, if above irule criteria doesn't match or i need to added any more statement in irule to allow other https/http request to sent to webserver backend to process request.