Oct 18, 2016Nimbostratus
Making SNMP queries in iRules
From other questions people have asked, it looks like there is no built-in command for SNMP queries that you can make from iRules. Is that still true (running LTM 11.6)?
If that is not possible, is there a way to integrate an external TCL library like http://wiki.tcl.tk/12713 and invoke the function from an iRule?
Running an periodic iCall Job in the Config-Plane to query SNMP and write results to a DG would be a much easier and elegant alternative. No? Dealing with ASN1-BER in iRules isn't much fun... 🙂
Cheers, Kai
LiefZimmerman : Good to see that the ordering in DevCentral has finally been changed, so that we can see if something gets added to rather old questions. Thanks!