Forum Discussion
iRule - Block part of a query
Using this example URL:
How would I go about rejecting any queries containing "do-something"?
This is what I have tried, and haven't had any luck:
if { [class match [string tolower [HTTP::query]] eq data-group-1] }{
log local0. "Denied query: [IP::client_addr] - [HTTP::query]"
ltm data-group internal data-group-1 {
records {
do-something { }
type string
Hello PG0581 ,
this code should work, and it's exactly how I would build the iRule too.Any reason why you're using "string tolower"? Remember that in this case, your datagroup should be all lowercase characters in order to match.
In my lab, this code is working indeed
I would check profiles on your VS .. you need HTTP profile to parse [HTTP::query] info, and if this HTTPS traffic you also need a clientSSL profile in order to see unencrypted data.
- PG0581
I also tried modifying the iRule to use "contains" rather than "eq", but no luck there either:
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [class match [string tolower [HTTP::query]] contains data-group-1] }{ log local0. "Denied query: [IP::client_addr] - [HTTP::query]" reject } }
Hello PG0581 ,
this code should work, and it's exactly how I would build the iRule too.Any reason why you're using "string tolower"? Remember that in this case, your datagroup should be all lowercase characters in order to match.
In my lab, this code is working indeed
I would check profiles on your VS .. you need HTTP profile to parse [HTTP::query] info, and if this HTTPS traffic you also need a clientSSL profile in order to see unencrypted data.
- Omar2
The below simple I-rule do this function and tested in a LAB:
if {[HTTP::uri] contains "do-something"}{
} Hi PG0581,
you may check the modified iRule below...
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [class match -- [URI::query [HTTP::uri -normalized] "func"] equals data-group-1] } then { log local0. "Denied query: [IP::client_addr] - param func=[URI::query [HTTP::uri -normalized] "func"]" HTTP::respond 403 content "Access Denied" "Content-Type" "text/html" } }
It applies HTTP::uri -nomalization to the request URI, then extracts the URI parameter "func" and then checks the value based on your Data-Group. If the func param is listed in the blacklist, it sends a HTTP 403 Access Denied to the client (slightly better than using a TCP reject).
Cheers, Kai
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