Forum Discussion
irule or policy to match url and then update pool members port
Pauius -
Thanks for the reply, reason is this has become very ineffieceint on the F5. Today we have everything on the /Common partion "I am in the process of converting this over to AS3 deployed via BIG-IQ" So the issue of opening the pools in the GUI is extremely slow. This is the issue trying to better utilize the resources on the F5, and since all the nodes in the 100's of pools are the exact same, I don't see any reason to have to have 100's of pools.
once this is over in it's own partition it shouldn't be an issue. But again if we have to change 1 node, I then need to touch 100's of pools. Again not very effeciant.
If you're looking for efficiency in an iRule, Kai_Wilke may be able to help.
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