Forum Discussion

Hien_Truong's avatar
May 26, 2021

irule not redirect with wildcard.

when i try to redirect (wildcard) or, it is not redirect, do you know what happening with my irule? i appreciate your reply:



 if { [HTTP::host] equals "" }


  switch -glob [HTTP::path]



     { HTTP::respond 301 Location ""



     { HTTP::respond 301 Location ""



      { HTTP::respond 301 Location ""







  • ​Daniel,

    you are correct, when I change to HTTP:uri, it works. Thanks a lot for your support.

  • ​Daniel,

    you are correct, when I change to HTTP:uri, it works. Thanks a lot for your support.

  • Hi Hien,


    your iRule is not redirecting because HTTP:path is only index.cfm. The ty=dir is the query parameter and is in the HTTP::query command. The query is defined as the part of the request past the ? character. See below image for explanation.

    Maybe you can do the check in a different way. Use the switch statement for the HTTP::path and use a nested if / else statement for the HTTP::query. Check this out for examples:





    • Daniel_Wolf's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      Man, I am blind. You could also use HTTP::uri which contains both, the path and the query parameter...