Forum Discussion

JoeTheFifth's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Mar 05, 2012

iRule Newbieee question

Hi Guys,



I'm using the irule mentioned here :



rule target_server_ssl { when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { virtual server_ssl_test } } pool b68_https { member } virtual client_ssl_test { destination profile http clientssl tcp rule target_server_ssl } virtual server_ssl_test { destination profile http serverssl tcp pool b68_https vlan none enable }



and it's giving me errors aven on line 1. I modified the erros with my ip addresses.



01070151:3: Rule [FullSLL_WiorkAround_redirect] error: line 1: [undefined procedure: rule] [rule target_server_ssl { when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { virtual server_ssl_test } }] line 6: [command is not valid in the current scope] [pool b68_https { member }] line 7: [command is not valid in the current scope] [virtual client_ssl_test { destination profile http clientssl tcp rule target_server_ssl }] line 12: [command is not valid in the current scope] [virtual server_ssl_test { destination profile http serverssl tcp pool b68_https vlan none enable }]
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Joe,



    This is the iRule portion you'd enter in the GUI when creating a new iRule:



    when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { virtual server_ssl_test }



    The rest is defining a pool, and two virtual servers. If you wanted to run these commands via the CLI, you could use these separate commands:



    rule target_server_ssl { when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { virtual server_ssl_test } }



    pool b68_https { member }



    virtual client_ssl_test { destination profile http clientssl tcp rule target_server_ssl }



    virtual server_ssl_test { destination profile http serverssl tcp pool b68_https vlan none enable }



    b save



    But instead of working around a trial version SSL limitation, I'd encourage you to get in touch with an F5 or partner SE and get a 45 day eval key for the LTM VE lab edition. This will allow you to run all the TMM modules and not deal with the trial version limitation.


