Forum Discussion
irule redirect question
We are moving a PeopleFinder feature over to a new Server so I am wanting to know if an irule could take care of the following...
request is
redirect to
If someone could direct me to a solution that would be great. Thanks
Please try this.
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] start_with "/path/path/" } { HTTP::redirect "[URI::query [HTTP::uri]]" } }
- Samir_Jha_52506
Please try this.
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] start_with "/path/path/" } { HTTP::redirect "[URI::query [HTTP::uri]]" } }
- theXfactor82_91
Thanks a lot! That did the trick. The only thing I had to change was remove the searchStr= as it was giving me a syntax error when entering the irule.
Final irule looked like this.
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] start_with "/path/path/" } { HTTP::redirect "[URI::query [HTTP::uri]]" } }
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