Forum Discussion

yo-digitales's avatar
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Sep 26, 2019

irule + regex

Hi All,


New to F5 and irules in general.


We have a situation where we need to grab a portion of the HTTP Post that come into the BIGIP, Look for string, and send a manipulated HTTP Post to the Pool.



My thought was to use Regexp to grab the needed potion of the URL, put that into a variable, then create a new HTTP POST and send it to the specified Pool.


Any thoughts or advice? or example scripts I can view/modify





Initial HTTP POST:


Regex grabs the payload and put it into a var.


Modified HTTP Post that needs to go to the Pool will look like this :




  • Hi yo-digitales,

    I hope these codes will help you.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	log local0. "old-host = [HTTP::host]"
    	log local0. "old-path = [HTTP::path]"
    	set pathfirstdir [getfield [HTTP::path] "/" 2]
    	log local0. "path-first-dir = $pathfirstdir"
    	set newpath [string map -nocase [list /$pathfirstdir ""] [HTTP::path]]
    	log local0. "new-path = $newpath"
    	set newhost "$pathfirstdir.[HTTP::host]"
    	log local0. "new-host = $newhost"
    	set newaddress "https://$newhost$newpath"
    	log local0. "new-address = $newaddress"