Forum Discussion

NiHo_202842's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jan 13, 2016

Incorrect load balancing when disabling Oneconnect



so sketch the situation; we have a $app-pool and an $app-report-pool. $app-pool serves the regular web interface, while $app-report generates reports and sends this to the user. Default pool is $app-pool and $app-report-pool is chosen by an iRule which just checks if the URI starts with "/report".


Due to some circumstances, we disabled OneConnect. During this, loading reports only works half of the time. (really a 50/50 change it loads correctly)


As far as I understand, using OneConnect only load balances once based on your TCP connection. So user connects to the vip and is load balanced to server1. He then requests a report via /report/xxx, which is load balanced to server-report1. How can this not work? Our default persistence is cookie persistence with source IP as the fallback.


  • Is the app-pool configured as Default Pool in your Virtual Server settings? If you conditionally select another pool, ie. the server-report1 pool in an iRule, you will need to include a 'Default or Else' clause in the iRule to 'Re-Confirm' your Default Pool. Just having the app-pool as your Default Pool setting in Virtual Server properties will not be enough.

    You may see a similar problem occuring in your environment:

    - Your first request to app-pool is routed correctly
    - Your second request to app-pool is routed correctly
    - .. All requests destined to app-pool are routed correctly, until the first occurence where a request is routed to server-report1 pool
    - .. All the requests that should go to app-pool (default) thereafter are now incorrectly routed to server-report1 pool.

    For a solution, if you're using the

    conditional statement, append an
    statement to specify the app-pool as your default selection in iRule. If you're using
    conditional statement, append a

    Give it a try, if the conditions described match your configuration. This would be a generic iRule problem, not related to OneConnect by any means.

  • Is the app-pool configured as Default Pool in your Virtual Server settings? If you conditionally select another pool, ie. the server-report1 pool in an iRule, you will need to include a 'Default or Else' clause in the iRule to 'Re-Confirm' your Default Pool. Just having the app-pool as your Default Pool setting in Virtual Server properties will not be enough.

    You may see a similar problem occuring in your environment:

    - Your first request to app-pool is routed correctly
    - Your second request to app-pool is routed correctly
    - .. All requests destined to app-pool are routed correctly, until the first occurence where a request is routed to server-report1 pool
    - .. All the requests that should go to app-pool (default) thereafter are now incorrectly routed to server-report1 pool.

    For a solution, if you're using the

    conditional statement, append an
    statement to specify the app-pool as your default selection in iRule. If you're using
    conditional statement, append a

    Give it a try, if the conditions described match your configuration. This would be a generic iRule problem, not related to OneConnect by any means.

    • NiHo_202842's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
      It is! I accidently discovered this behaviour while trying things out. You would think it reverts back to the 'default pool'. Thank you!
  • Is the app-pool configured as Default Pool in your Virtual Server settings? If you conditionally select another pool, ie. the server-report1 pool in an iRule, you will need to include a 'Default or Else' clause in the iRule to 'Re-Confirm' your Default Pool. Just having the app-pool as your Default Pool setting in Virtual Server properties will not be enough.

    You may see a similar problem occuring in your environment:

    - Your first request to app-pool is routed correctly
    - Your second request to app-pool is routed correctly
    - .. All requests destined to app-pool are routed correctly, until the first occurence where a request is routed to server-report1 pool
    - .. All the requests that should go to app-pool (default) thereafter are now incorrectly routed to server-report1 pool.

    For a solution, if you're using the

    conditional statement, append an
    statement to specify the app-pool as your default selection in iRule. If you're using
    conditional statement, append a

    Give it a try, if the conditions described match your configuration. This would be a generic iRule problem, not related to OneConnect by any means.

    • NiHo_202842's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
      It is! I accidently discovered this behaviour while trying things out. You would think it reverts back to the 'default pool'. Thank you!
  • Hi NiHo,

    if you need to switch pools or persistence profiles without using a ONECONNECT profile, then you have to issue a

    command on every single change.

    See the links below for further information...

    BTW: You may also want to try the (experimental) syntax below, to implement a simple request flow mechanism, with the purpose to only detach the server-side connection and re-apply the pool settings when its required.

        set last_pool ""
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] starts_with "/somepath" } then {
            if { $last_pool equals "my_pool_a" } then {
                do nothing
            } else {
                pool my_pool_a
                set last_pool my_pool_a
        } else {
            if { $last_pool equals "my_pool_b" } then {
                do nothing
            } else {
                pool my_pool_b
                set last_pool my_pool_b

    Cheers, Kai

  • Hi,

    In irule changing the pool based on URI, don't forget to change back to default pool URI which does not match specific URI.

    Pool decision is done for the entire tcp connection when one connect is not enabled.

      set default_pool [LB::server pool]
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if {[HTTP::uri] starts_with "/reports"} { 
            pool report
        } else {
            pool $default_pool