Forum Discussion

Robert_47833's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
May 12, 2011

if,elseif,else, need help



set uri [HTTP::path]


set queryString [URI::query [HTTP::uri]]


set port [TCP::local_port]


set srcIP [IP::client_addr]



if {$uri equals "/"}


{ HTTP::redirect "" }




{$uri starts_with "/myaccountapi/myaccount"}


{ persist none


pool SRWD32-MYX }


else{ if {$uri starts_with "/mobile/auth" and $port != 443 }


{ HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"


log local0. "here i am 1 [HTTP::uri]" }




{ persist none


SSL::disable serverside




log local0. "here i am 2 [HTTP::uri]" } } }



there is some issue in this irule


how to change it



if $uri is / go to


if $uri starts_with "/myaccountapi/myaccount go to pool SRWD32-MYX


if {$uri starts_with "/mobile/auth" and $port != 443 go to https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]


for other go to pool SRWD32-STATIC




I know I have mixed up by the realation of if ,elseif,else,..xo if......




Help me ?
  • Hi jucao,

    Try this and see if it works for what you are needing:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    switch -glob [ string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
    "/" { HTTP::redirect "" }
    "/myaccountapi/myaccount*" { persist none; pool SRWD32-MYX }
    if { [[TCP::local_port clientside] != 443] && [[HTTP::uri] starts_with "/mobile/auth"] } {
    HTTP::redirect "https://[getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 1]/[HTTP::uri]"
    log local0. "here i am 1 [HTTP::uri]"
    else {
    persist none
     SSL::disable serverside
    pool SRWD32-STATIC
     log local0. "here i am 2 [HTTP::uri]"
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Michael,



    If you click Edit and then Save on your post the ampersands will be rendered correctly.



  • Every time I have done that in the past it distorts the formatting of the entire post :-(


  • Thanks ,it seems switch works more effective than if.elseif,else,right?



    Any ,I found issue with this irule ,esle should be put behind },maybe it is sensitive to the } position.


    if {$uri equals "/"}


    { HTTP::redirect "" }




    {$uri starts_with "/myaccountapi/myaccount"}


    { persist none


    pool SRWD32-MYX }


    else{ if {$uri starts_with "/mobile/auth" and $port != 443 }


    { HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"


    log local0. "here i am 1 [HTTP::uri]"




    { persist none


    SSL::disable serverside


    pool SRWD32-STATIC


    log local0. "here i am 2 [HTTP::uri]" } } }
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    I think the problem is with no spaces before or after the elses:



    else{ if {$uri starts_with "/mobile/auth" and $port != 443 }







    If you put spaces before and after the else statements it should load. But yes, the switch statement should be more efficient than the if/elseif/.../else chain.



  • Colin_Walker_12's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Generally speaking we always encourage people to use switch over if/else chains where it makes sense. They're more efficient once you get past only a few if/else comparisons.


