Forum Discussion

Tom_Brandl_9318's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 17, 2006

HTTP_REQUEST & if, elseif, else statements




I am trying to consolidate multiple redirection rules with if, elseif, else statements. I've researched various posts in the forum and still can't seem to get the syntax correct. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Here's my script:





set host [string tolower [HTTP::host]]


if {$host contains "2006wec"} {


HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]/cms/mpiweb/wec2006/wechomepage.aspx?id=4829"


} elseif {$host contains "institutes"} {


HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]/cms/mpiweb/Inst2006/inst06_template.aspx?id=5935"


} elseif {$host contains "cmm"} {


HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]/cms/mpiweb/cmm2006/cmm06_template.aspx?id=5794"


} else {$host contains "wli"} {


HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]/cms/mpiweb/mpicontent.aspx?id=1210"







This is the error condition that I receive:



01070151:3: Rule [redirect_subdomain_rule] error:


line 7: [deprecated usage, use else or elseif] [ ]


line 3: [undefined procedure:


HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]/cms/mpiweb/cmm2006/cmm06_template.aspx?id=5794"


] [if {$host contains "2006wec"} {


HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]/cms/mpiweb/wec2006/wechomepage.aspx?id=4829"


} elseif {$host contains "institutes"} {


HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]/cms/mpiweb/Inst2006/inst06_template.aspx?id=5935"


} else {$host contains "cmm"} {


HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]/cms/mpiweb/cmm2006/cmm06_template.aspx?id=5794"


  • I think it's the last test with else. The else should not be conditional, so either use elseif again, or remove the {$host contains "cmm"} part.



  • Hoolio - thanks a million. It was the last conditional statement - replaced with elseif and it works like a champ!