HTTP Health Monitor Issue
Hello, I tried creating a Health Monitor to test server-specific content returned from a web server query, but it's currently not working and my servers are in an "Offline (Enabled)" state.
From a command line I run the following and getting the following result back, which is working as expected:
C:> wget "SERVER:8080/elevationWS/WS/34.9793,-80.9714"
SYSTEM_WGETRC = c:/progra~1/wget/etc/wgetrc
syswgetrc = C:\Program Files\gnuwin32/etc/wgetrc
--2014-03-18 17:06:41-- http://SERVER:8080/elevationWS/WS/34.9793,-80.9714
Resolving SERVER...
Connecting to SERVER||:8080... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 166 [application/xml]
Saving to:
100%[==============================================================================>] 166 --.-K/s in 0s
2014-03-18 17:06:41 (2.49 MB/s) -
100%[==============================================================================>] 166 --.-K/s in 0s
2014-03-18 17:06:41 (2.49 MB/s) -`34.9793,-80.9714' saved [166/166]
Here is my HTTP Health Monitor:
Send String: GET \"/elevationWS/WS/34.9793,-80.9714\" HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: \r\nConnection: Close\r\n
Receive String: 200
For the Receive String I also tried using a line of data retrieved, which looks like the following, but that didn't work either: 34.9793
Do you guys see any issues with this setup? Thanks
That tcpdump command I listed above should have created a capture file in/var/tmp. You can SCP the file down to your workstation and open it in Wireshark. Let it run for about 30 seconds and then press Ctrl-c to stop the capture.