Aug 30, 2010Altocumulus
http class question...
I asked a question a few months ago about sending traffic to a different pool based on the URI. So https://www.joetest/whatever would go to one pool but https://www.joetest/newtest would go to a pool of my choosing. At the time I was running an old version of LB os so I did it with and Irule. I have upgraded and now want to do it with http class. I am having trouble getting it to work though? I setup a new http class.
named it test
parent profile is httpclass
host match all
uri paths I have match only
uri path list I have /crdmo* (which is what I want to trigger the other pool.)
headers I have match all
cookies I have match all
send to I have pool
Pool I have the pool I want to send to. In the VS I have the other pool as the default. When I go to the URL I get the default pool. When I put /crdmo I get 404 error. I tried changing entry type to both pattern string and regular expression. Am I way off or is it something stupid? Or perhaps I am the something stupid. Thanks in advance.