Forum Discussion

Ivan_Markovic_3's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Sep 28, 2012

How to upload CRL file



I need to put CRL file on my BIG IP on location /config/ssl/ssl.crl/. I have web access to managment console and SSH as admin. Over SSH I can't see this path and don't know how to copy file from local system.


Any help?






  • OK, at the command prompt you've accessed over SSH, you should be able to do this: ls /config/ssl/ssl.crl but you'll probably find the directory is currently empty.



    You should use SCP or SFTP to copy the file to the device. You can use a Windows GUI client like WinSCP or a command prompt utility like pscp.exe (download from the everlasting PuTTY page - just Google it). If you need help after this, post again.
  • I have syntax error now:




    admin@(bigip)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) ls /config/ssl/ssl.crl


    Syntax Error: unexpected argument "ls"


    admin@(bigip)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) ls /config/ssl/


    Syntax Error: unexpected argument "ls"


    admin@(bigip)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)




    Also when I try to connect with SFTP, I'm disconected immediatelly ...
  • OK, looks like you're in the tmos shell, not the Linux BASH shell (aka Advanced Shell). Use the GUI: System > Users > User List > admin and change your terminal access to Advanced shell. That should help with the SSH. As for the SFTP, what are you using to connect?



    Just in case, I don't suppose the device has been configured in Appliance Mode?
  • For terminal access I have only "tmsh" and "disabled". I use CyberDuck (OS X) for SFTP.


    What you mean when You say "Appliance Mode"?





  • RE Appliance mode, it's a secured, locked down device mode with no BASH, SSH, SCP or SFTP access;



    "You can verify that a device is running in Appliance mode from the License screen in the Configuration utility. The following line is displayed under Active Modules:


    Appliance Mode (TMSH Only, No Root or Bash Access)"



    Can you check please.
  • Yep, you're in appliance mode. Sorry but I've no idea how you would upload your file. I've asked the question in another forum. Can't find any support documents.
  • Do you have serial console access? If so, you might be able to get to the Advanced BASH shell and create the file that way. You might still get forced into tmsh but it's worth checking.