Forum Discussion

Luca_55898's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 05, 2012

how to take apart a HA config?

I have two LTMs in HA that i need to split into single devices...



Whats the best approach? The current active device needs to keep is current configuration as it will remain in service. The other one is going to become a GTM.



Can i just go to the 'Platform' section of the web UI and change both devices from 'Redundant Pair' to 'single device'
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Luca,



    I think you'd want to disable the switch ports going to the unit you're taking out of the pair, set both units to standalone and remove any network or hardwire failover cables. You could potentially remove any floating self IP addresses you have on the remaining unit.



    Make sure to create a UCS on both units before and after the change in case you want to revert the change.



  • Hi Luca,


    It's simple you may follow the below steps to do this. As you have not mentioned the TMOS ver. I am assuming that you are using TMOS ver. lower than 11. as it appears from your description. follow these steps



    1. Unit that needs to be converted to GTM disconnect the data cables coming from you network going to this device.


    2. Connect the cable to the MGMT port of this device go to platform section and change it to single unit, change hostname if required, change the admin and root password. Also on the VLANS remove the floating IP's as it is no more redundant system.


    3. Don't connect this unit back unless you hae made the similar changes on the other(primary)device.




    on the primary device.


    1. Make similar changes in the 'platform' change it to single device if required change the admin and root pass and remove un necessary floating IP's from the unit.



    Connect the other unit to the network and there you go.


