Forum Discussion

kevin_9064's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 14, 2011

How to apply hot fix HF3 to BigIP VE 10.2.1

After the initial configuration, I want to apply the latest hot fix HF3 to BigIP VE 10.2.1. Dose anyone know there is a link such as the step-by-step guide for the patch process?


  • upload the hotfix to /shared/images/ via scp (trying via the GUI errors out for me) and then navigate to software management->hotfix list. Click on your hotfix, then select the installation target and click install.
  • Also, you'll need to have a second slot with an OS installed to install the hotfix (as you can't install a hotfix to an active slot). I also avoid using the GUI to upload images not because I see errors, but I think it's faster using SCP than HTTPS.



  • Thank you for your information. I have finished the patch process for the BigIP VE 10.2.1 follow the link you provided. However I still want to paste the detailed steps here for your confirmation.



    1. Import the latest hotfix iso image "Hotfix-BIGIP-10.2.1-511.0-HF3.iso" and base OS iso image "BIGIP-" in to the "shared/images" directory of BigIP VE.



    2. Go to the UI management portal. Select the hotfix just imported and set the attribute "Install Volume" as "HD1.2". Then click the button "Install".





    1. The volume "HD1.1" is installed with the BigIP 10.2.1 base OS by default when the vm is deployed into the ESX hypervisor.


    2. The volume "HD1.2" has no any base OS installed on.



    One Question:


    Do i need firstly install the base OS iso file on the partition "HD1.2" and then patch the hotfix on that partition?



    3. After the patch process finished, set the system "Boot Partition" attribute to "HD1.2", which was "HD1.1" before. And then click the "Activate" button.


    NOTE: After that, the OS is rebooted and the the "HD1.2" partition becomes the active boot partition.




    4. After Step 4, the BigIP VE 10.2.1 is patched with the latest hotfix and ready for use.



  • yes, the base OS needs to exist in an inactive slot in order for a hotpatch to be applied to it.
  • I think you can actually just apply the hotfix to the new slot and as long as you have the base OS ISO in /shared/images, the installer is smart enough to install it before the hotfix. This saves you a step for the installation, but still takes about the same time. A customer of mine found this undocumented feature.


