Forum Discussion
These are all good options, but if you don't have Enterprise Manager (the BEST option in my opinion) and your CA can't send you an email, I think there's nothing better that a script. Take a look at this one:
! /bin/bash
set acceptable threshold in seconds (172800 seconds = 2 days)
get today's date
this_date=`date +%s`
loop through the stored certificates
output=`tmsh list / sys crypto one-line |grep "sys crypto cert"`
for f in ${output}
cert=`echo $f |awk -F" " '{ print $4 }'`
certdate=`expr match "$f" '.*\(expiration.*organization\)' |sed s/expiration// | sed s/organization//`
expires=`date -d $certdate +%s`
if [ $this_date -ge $(($expires - $threshold)) ]
expires_when=$(((expires - $this_date) / 60 / 60 / 24))
echo "$cert is about to expire in $expires_when days"
additional processing for expiring certs goes here
This should work for any v11 system. You'll need to make a few modifications/additions:
Set a valid threshold value in seconds (172800 seconds = 2 days)
Add whatever additional functions you need to happen on cert expiring (ie. mail notice, etc.)
Create an external monitor, bind this script to the monitor, and then bind the monitor to a "dummy" pool of servers - a pool not defined in any virtual server configuration. Doing this allows the monitor to fire on a schedule (like a cron job), but is also saved in the archive (unlike a cron job).