Forum Discussion

kohli9harjeev's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 15, 2015

iRule Redirection to another server(not a part of same Pool) if connected server hangs

Hi Team,I am new to irules and looking forward to a irule redirection in the following scenario.


I have VS associated with a Pool of 4 members with http based monitor .If a client is connected to Server (Member 1) of the pool and after sometime the server hangs which means it neither sends a reply to the client nor to F5 monitor. I want to create a irule where if the server hangs,ONLY the same client is redirected to a different server outside of the pool and when a new client request comes it shall be processed to one of the pool members from VS depending on the LB method only.


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


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