High Availability HA Group not failing over
We have two F5 BigIP 3600's paired together in a high availability configuration. They are connected via serial port and we have two trunks set up with 2 members each. I have set up the HA Group on each F5 so that each trunk has a weight of 10 and an Active Bonus of 5. My theory is that if any one trunk member goes down, it will still function but if at least 2 trunk members go down (threshold is set at 1) that it should fail over.
We are not getting fail over if one member of each trunk is down. I see the scoring on each and the active server has a score of 15 and the standby server has a score of 20, yet there is no failover happening.
root@LBNCRLTM01(Active)(tmos.sys) show ha-group TEST detail
Sys::HA Group: TEST
State enabled
Active Bonus 5
Score 15
Sys::HA Group Trunk: TEST:LTM01-LACP
Threshold 1
Percent Up 50
Weight 10
Score Contribution 5
Sys::HA Group Trunk: TEST:LTM01-LACP-SRV
Threshold 1
Percent Up 50
Weight 10
Score Contribution 5
root@LBNCRLTM02(Standby)(tmos.sys) show ha-group TEST detail
Sys::HA Group: TEST
State enabled
Active Bonus 5
Score 20
Sys::HA Group Trunk: TEST:LTM02-LACP
Threshold 1
Percent Up 100
Weight 10
Score Contribution 10
Sys::HA Group Trunk: TEST:SRV-LACP
Threshold 1
Percent Up 100
Weight 10
Score Contribution 10
Here are the setups on each F5:
root@LBNCRLTM01(Active)(tmos.sys) list ha-group
sys ha-group TEST {
active-bonus 5
trunks {
percent-up 50
threshold 1
weight 10
percent-up 50
threshold 1
weight 10
root@LBNCRLTM02(Standby)(tmos.sys) list ha-group
sys ha-group TEST {
active-bonus 5
trunks {
percent-up 100
threshold 1
weight 10
percent-up 100
threshold 1
weight 10
Any ideas as to why this isn't failing over?