Forum Discussion
Hiding the server port number when ssl offloading to an server on a non standard port
I've just started using the F5 platform and have run into a probelm from a 'non standard' server setup.
The server is running a non ecrypted webserver on port 1234
I have the ssl cert setup on an LTM profile with a VIP listening on port 443.
the problem i have is when i go to HTTPS://IPADDRESS the reposnse i get is HTTPS://IPADDRESS:1234/welcome.htm and nothing else shows up. which makes sense as the client can't get to port 1234.
How can i make the reposonse return to the client without the server portnumber being included?
Hi Adam,
Could you post the virtual server configuration of both?
Use the command: tmsh list ltm virtual <name of the virtual server>
And any irule attached to these virtual servers.
- UoB-Admin
unfortunatly i don't have access to the command line...
there are no irules in place.
Ok, it a rewrite profile attached?
If not, could you add a profile to the configuration with these settings:
client side: https://FDQN/
server side: http://FQDN:1234/
And test this.
It sounds like the application is sending an absolute self-referencing redirect. You can changing the 'Redirect Rewrite' setting in the http profile of the virtual server. For more information, see this post:
- UoB-Admin
There is no rewrite profile attached at the moment.
i'll have a read through that devcenratl post and give that a go.
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