Hide uri on client side
Need irule or policy to hide uri from client side
User press on icon on the website which point him to -> https://web.com/abc/def
I need that the user will see in his browser only https://web.com without /abc/def but the content page will be from https://web.com/abc/def,
The goal is to hide "/abc/def"
I saw several questions like this in devcentral but none of them fit
Thanks in advanced
Rafi1 That is definitely possible but keep in mind that while the client sees path "/abc/def" the server will see only "/" which is the root of the website. So if you decide to change all paths that the client sees to "/" just make sure that the path "/" has all the content that you're looking for. Again, this is another reason why obfuscating the path really isn't the path to go down to provide security for your website over something such as a login token or any other security measure you can take over obfuscation.