Forum Discussion
Jun 18, 2010Nimbostratus
Health Monitors
I have created a health monitor with the following config:
Interval 5
Timeout 16
Send String GET /test/test.jsp
Receive String HTTP 1\.(0|1) 200
Reverse No
Transparent No
Alias address ALL
Alias Service Port ALL
But whne I go to add it to a specific node choosing NODE SPECIFIC I cannot see the monitor I created inside the list.
Do I need to do anything else to make the monitor a node specific one?
- hoolioCirrostratusSee this post for details:
- ozdemircili_696NimbostratusHi absolutely it is clear now. I have managed to add the monitor to the pool I have created. Though I have another problem. As the send string I have placed GET /test/index.jsp /HTTP1.1\n Host:\nConnection: Closed\n The url / test/index.jsp basicly returns a web page with words "Data and Retailer", A box and a send button. What should I add as the receive string? I have tried adding Data HTTP/(1.0|1.1) (200 OK|304 Not Modified) which didnt succeed. P.S. this is a tomcat app that Im trying to monitor. When the app stops the page still exists but gives a 404 error.
- hoolioCirrostratusCan you test this using netcat? Also, \r\n is the delimiter for lines in HTTP. Can you try this as your request to netcat:
- ozdemircili_696NimbostratusHi, I have added them. Although I have the tomcat working and application stopped the monitor still shows the node as active. The output of the command from my workstation is: HTTP/1.1 505 Versi�n de HTTP No Soportada Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 08:09:18 GMT Connection: close Just a sidenote on the command. As it is tomcat I am using 8080: echo -e "GET /test/test.jsp /HTTP1.1\r\n Host:\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n" | nc ipoftheserver 8080
- hoolioCirrostratusA 505 status indicates the client HTTP version not supported. Can you add a space between HTTP and 1.1?
- ozdemircili_696NimbostratusHi Aaron, I have added the following as the send string GET /test/index.jsp /HTTP 1.1\r\n Host:\r\nConnection: Close Although the app is up it shows as offline.
- hoolioCirrostratusWhich LTM version are you running? Can you test the monitor send string with netcat and reply with the output?
- ozdemircili_696NimbostratusStill Im getting
- hoolioCirrostratusI had another typo in the monitor send string. Can you try the edited version from my last post?
- ozdemircili_696NimbostratusSomthing has changed, When the application is online I get the following: HTTP/1.1 400 Petici�n incorrecta Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 09:53:59 GMT Connection: close And when I stop the application that is /test/test.jsp does not exist. It still gives the same error.
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