Forum Discussion
Sep 27, 2011GTM - anyway to add include file command in the bind config?
I was looking in to dual purposing our GTM's to also act as a DNS sinkhole for my company. To do this I want to maintain another file on the GTM's which contain the list of malware domains to blackhole.
This is done by adding the following line to the named.conf :
include "/config/namedb/malwaredomains.zones";
Everything works fine and bind on the GTM's accept the config when manually edited, however if I add this in via the webgui it causes zonerunner to error. If I try to access zonerunner after manually editing the bind (stopping zonerunner, editing manually, checking the config and then reloading bind, and starting zonerunner) I get :
01020005:3: The requested operation is not implemented yet.
The GTM still responds fine to DNS lookups and blackholes the included file domains as expected but the GUI is broken.
Does anyone have any experience of including files in the bind config on a GTM, or any thoughts how I might be able to achieve what I'm after without losing the zonerunner gui as I have some team members that do not like the command line/vi edits?
Edit - as is always the way I find the fix after posting.
[Global Traffic Manager] Changes in zone files on redundant system configuration are not saved correctly (CR85597)
Occasionally, modifying a zone file on one Global Traffic Manager in a redundant system configuration results in the system displaying the error message: 01020005:3: The requested operation is not implemented yet. To resolve this issue, modify the INI file in usr/local/bin/sync_zones to ensure the rsync operations uses the -u option.
- The_Bhattman
Hi MW, - Chen_Tat_93126
Hi MW, - MW1
In the /config/namedb/malwaredomains.zones file the domain entries are like this below example: - Chen_Tat_93126
Hi Matt,
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