Getting Started on DevCentral
DevCentral, supported by F5, is an online community of technical peers dedicated to learning, exchanging ideas, and solving problems - together.
Here are some tips to get you started, so you can maximize the value from this community space.
Register a free user account
Click the Register link at the top right of every DevCentral page
Authenticate with any valid email address.
TIP: You may use the same email address as your MyF5 profile (this will enable a simpler, Single Sign On (SSO) experience between and or you may opt to use a personal email address for your community profile. Using a personal email address for community usually requires a separate login, using a customer email account, to access support and subscription information via
Next you will be taken to a confirmation page
Email Verification
You will receive an email from <>
Click the Activate Account button in the confirmation email in order to activate your new account.
Setting up MFA / 2-step Authentication
Successful email activation brings you to 2-Step Authentication setup.
- Mandatory: Choose one or more of the available 2-step modes to secure your account and follow the steps provided.
Complete (DevCentral) Registration
Once you have finished with 2-step Authentication you will be asked to
- Choose a unique username
- Accept the Terms of Service.
Click the Complete button
TIP: You will receive confirmation email from related to your SSO account AND email from welcoming you to the community or alerting you to badges earned, etc.
To be notified in the future of content updates you choose to follow - be sure to allow email from
You may also choose to limit what email you want to see and/or how often you want to see it by configuring your Follows & Notification Preferences under My Profile > My Settings.
Congratulations! Your DevCentral community profile is complete.
Build Community Profile
To maximize the value of your community experience visit My Settings to adjust the behavior of the community to suit your needs. Settings include Personal details, global Preferences, settings under Follows & Notifications to control platform alerts and email, and Security & Account settings to control your data.
Click on your profile avatar in the top right of the page and go to My Settings.
Personal Information
Change your username, avatar, Bio, Personal Notes, and Personal Site URL at any time.
RE: Email Addresses
At this time email addresses are key and cannot be changed directly. To update an email address on an existing DevCentral profile contact us at and ask to help updating your email address.
At this time preference options are limited to Date and TimeZone choices.
Follows & Notifications
See the content you are Following.
- You can filter the way this displays using the dropdown at the top.
- A revealed ellipses at right lets you unfollow.
Below that is the Email Notification preferences. Including global enable/disable and choices for delivery timing for all manner of triggers.
Security & Account
Personal information related to IP Addresses and the ability to download a copy of your data from the community is here.
Only you can see this information.
Still need help?
If you still can’t find what you need, send a message to and we’ll work to get your issue sorted.