Get virtual server default pool from PowerShell iControl?
Is there any way to get a virtual server default pool through the iControl Powershell snapin? What I would like to do using the PowerShell spanin and cmdlets is get a list of virtual servers, get the pools they are associated with, and then get a list of nodes in that pool. I want to get all that information along with status and present it in a chart.
Get-F5.LTMPoolMember already ties each node to a pool, but I can't find a way to tie the virtual servers to the pools. Get-F5.LTMVirtualServer only has 3 properties; name, availability, and enabled status.
I can't help with the powershell aspect, but the iControl call you want is LocalLB::VirtualServer::get_default_pool_name. There are some powershell examples on the page for that at
that might help you out.