Local User account creation with powershell and iControl
Problem this snippet solves:
This script will allow you to either interactively or by supplying command line arguments (it can also be modified to work with automation products) create local user accounts on a BIG-IP device
How to use this snippet:
make sure you have the powershell commandlets installed and registered.
Code :
##################################################################################################################### # F5 user creation script# # Take a device, login crendetials, requested username, actual name, email address and partition# # then creates a user and emails them the details# # last updated: 27/01/15 by Lee Payne# # v1.0# ##################################################################################################################### ######################################################### # Performs the base initialisation to the BIG-IP device # ######################################################### function Do-Initialize() { #Checks if the snapin has been loaded and if not loads it if ( (Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "iControlSnapIn"}) -eq $null ) { Add-PSSnapIn iControlSnapIn } #Tries to log into the device with the supplied credentials $success = Initialize-F5.iControl -HostName $bigip -Username $uid -Password $pwd; #If an objects isnt returned representing the device it will log an error to the application event log if ( $success -eq $null ) { Write-EventLog -Logname Application -Source CSHARE-F5 -EntryType Error -EventId 1 -Message "Failed to bind to F5 device: $bigip" } #If it did work it returns the objects representing the device return $success; } #checks if enough command line arguments have been supplied and if not prompts for the information if ($args.Length -lt 4){ #Reads in the device you want to check $bigip = Read-Host 'What device do you want to connect to?' #reads in your username $uid = Read-Host 'What is your username?' #reads in your password (doesnt display it on the command line) $pwd = Read-host 'What is your password?' -AsSecureString #Take the secure password and turn it into plain text to send to the F5 device $pwd = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($pwd)) } else{ #Reads in the device you want to check $bigip = $args[0] #reads in your username $uid = $args[1] #reads in your password $pwd = $args[2] } #sets the variables for user creation [String]$username [String]$name [String]$partition [String]$email $error = 0 #initalize the device and switch to the correct partition do-initialize $bigip $uid $pass $(Get-F5.icontrol).ManagementPartition.set_active_partition("users") #Create the objects required for the user $userrole = new-object -typename iControl.ManagementUserManagementUserPermission $userpassword = new-object -typename iControl.ManagementUserManagementPasswordInfo $userinfo = New-Object -TypeName iControl.ManagementUserManagementUserInfo3[] 1 $userinfo[0] = new-object -typename iControl.ManagementUserManagementUserInfo3; #Set the users role as operator and their partition as the one previously selected $userrole.role = 1 $userrole.partition = $partition #Set their user name as their domain login name "_" then the partition they need access to, this should be unique and the script will return an error if it's not unique $user = new-object -typename iControl.ManagementUserManagementUserID $user.name = $username +"_"+$partition $user.full_name = $name #set the password as unencrypted (it gets stored on the device encrypted) $userpassword.is_encrypted = 0 #Generate a 12 character random password $randomObj = New-Object System.Random $NewPassword="" 1..12 | ForEach { $NewPassword = $NewPassword + [char]$randomObj.next(33,126) } #set the random password as he account password $userpassword.password = $NewPassword #Set the array useringo with the details from above. $userinfo[0].user = $user $userinfo[0].password = $userpassword $userinfo[0].login_shell = "" $userinfo[0].permissions = $userrole $user = $user.name.tostring() #try to create the user, if this fails then the account already exists try{ $(Get-F5.icontrol).managementusermanagement.create_user_3($userinfo) write-host $user write-host $NewPassword} #If an error occurs set the variable catch [System.Exception] { $error = 1 } #write out the values write-host $user write-host $NewPassword return $error
Tested this on version:
11.5Published Oct 10, 2015
Version 1.0Lee_Payne_53457
Joined March 31, 2009
Joined March 31, 2009
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