Hi Mike
I'm not querying an actual RADUIS server, there lies the rub.
Active directory, in it's infinite wisdom returns the IP as a 32bit signed integer.
I know the Cisco SSL VPN solution can do the conversion internally, so why not Firepass?
Here's the vbscript from David Wiseman to convert to IP:
OPTIONEXPLICITConst E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND = &h8000500DDIM objUser,msRADIUSFramedIPAddress'<<<< Bind to the user object using the distinguished name >>>>set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://cn=user1,cn=users,dc=wisesoft,dc=org,dc=uk")ONERRORRESUMENEXT
msRADIUSFramedIPAddress= objUser.get("msRADIUSFramedIPAddress")IF Err.Number = E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND then
wscript.echo "Static IP Address Not Assigned"
wscript.echo IntegerToIPAddress(msRADIUSFramedIPAddress)EndIf' Function to convert Integer value to IP Address.Function IntegerToIPAddress(intIP)Const FourthOctet = 1Const ThirdOctet = 256Const SecondOctet = 65536Const FirstOctet = 16777216dim strIP,intFirstRemainder,intSecondRemainder,intThirdRemainderIfsgn(intIP) = -1 Then
strIP = (256 + (int(intIP/FirstOctet))) & "."
intFirstRemainder = intIP mod FirstOctet
strIP = strIP & (256 + (int(intFirstRemainder/SecondOctet))) & "."
intSecondRemainder = intFirstRemainder mod SecondOctet
strIP = strIP & (256 + (int(intSecondRemainder/ThirdOctet))) & "."
intThirdRemainder = intSecondRemainder mod ThirdOctet
strIP = strIP & (256 + (int(intThirdRemainder/FourthOctet)))Else
strIP = int(intIP/FirstOctet) & "."
intFirstRemainder = intIP mod FirstOctet
strIP = strIP & int(intFirstRemainder/SecondOctet) & "."
intSecondRemainder = intFirstRemainder mod SecondOctet
strIP = strIP & int(intSecondRemainder/ThirdOctet) & "."
intThirdRemainder = intSecondRemainder mod ThirdOctet
strIP = strIP & int(intThirdRemainder/FourthOctet)EndIf
IntegerToIPAddress = strIPendfunction
So how do I do this on firepass???