Forum Discussion

cathy_123's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jun 14, 2019

F5 upgrade with only one HD

Hello F5!


I have a question, I am going to upgrade F5 (12.1.2 to 13.1.4) but it only has one HD location HD1.1.  I am worried that after I install the 13.1.4 version on HD1.1  I will lose my configuration file  since we only have one HD. This is the step I am pertaining to


  1. On the Main menu, click System > Software Management > Boot Locations.
  2. In the Boot Location list, click the boot location of the installed new software image.
  3. From the Install Configuration list, select Yes. The Source Volume list appears.
  4. From the Source Volume list, select the location of the configuration to install when activating the boot location of the new software image. For example, for an installation of a new software image on HD1.3, selecting HD1.2:11.6.0 installs the version 11.6.0 configuration.
  5. Click Activate. Device A reboots to the new software image boot location in offline state.


Any thoughts?


Thank you!

  • Dario_Garrido's avatar
    Jun 14, 2019

    With images...


    >> Install the new image

    >> Select a new volume name

    >> Activate the new volume HD1.2



  • Actually, you cannot install your new release 13.1.4 on HD1.1, you need to create a new one..


    1) Upload the new image

    2) Install the new image, you need to define a new volume set (i.e., 2 -> HD1.2)

    3) Access volume H1.2 and active it (wait until reboot)




    • Dario_Garrido's avatar
      Icon for Noctilucent rankNoctilucent

      With images...


      >> Install the new image

      >> Select a new volume name

      >> Activate the new volume HD1.2



      • cathy_123's avatar
        Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

        wow thank you so much Dario! This is so informative. So when I click the install it will ask me to create a new volume set.


