Forum Discussion
F5 related question:how to find how particular URL in F5 if we have hundreds of F5 products
You are in an environment with hundreds of F5s and thousands of URLs -someone said one of yourURLs,,how would you find which F5 appliance that URL resides on?
- RedbullNimbostratus
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A good object naming convention might help 🙂
Otherwise, if you have the URL, resolve it with a DNS and look for that IP in your VS configuration.
Hi Rakesh_a ,
I would recommend to do the below steps , it will help :
- First , Make a dns resolution for that url , I want you to see which IP is mapped to this "FQDN host name ".
- After getting this Ip , check if this Ip network exists in routing tables in your perimeter firewall or edge router , I think you'll be able to see the path of this Ip network .
- After getting this network , you need only to review your hops till reach out to your F5 that serves this url.
NOTE : you have a hop makes destination NAT like perimeter Firewalls , so you should review your NAT rules for this IP.
If you don't get it, you can share with me an overview of your design as a network devices to help you how to get it , if this available with you .
Rakesh_a You need the following to be quick if asked.
1. A great naming policy for configuration that you create.
2. Ensure that a DNS record exists for all FQDNs that you must locate.
3. Have a record of what IPs belong to which F5 in your infrastructure.
4. A record of all NATs and the device they are associated to because most likely a large portion of these will have public IPs and your F5s will live in private IP space in most situations but not all.Other than the above which is more of a process on sorting your information for the future and will require a significant amount of work hours you can follow what Mohamed_Ahmed_Kansoh recommended.
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