Forum Discussion
Direct hundreds of clients to 10's of pools by URI
They get redirected to:
Customer 2 hits:
They get redirected to
I would like to handle all of this within the F5 is possible instead of handing them off to individual VIP's mapped to pools. Is it possible to do this:
1) Have the customer hit a single URL (example):
2) Lookup their pool association from a "routing" table that is populated from an external datastore (example):
customer1 pool1
customer2 pool13
customer3 pool4
3) Direct traffic to the pool based on decision in 2)
If this IS possible, is it better to "cache" the customer routing data in a table locally on the F5? How would I poison that data if I move a customer to a new pool?
I know this is kind of an architecture question, but I figured I'd start at what the iRule is capable of doing before going any farther.
- Richard__HarlanHistoric F5 AccountYou could do the following create a table in the LTM. When a customer come in and requests there website you could first do a look up in the table and see if the table has a result. If the table does not have the result then you can do a sideband connection to a web application and pull the data from the database. Once the data is back from the sideband you can update the table with a timeout to age out the data to keep it from getting stale.
- nitass
in case of using data group.[root@ve10:Active] config b virtual bar list virtual bar { destination ip protocol 6 rules myrule profiles { http {} tcp {} } } [root@ve10:Active] config b rule myrule list rule myrule { when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals ""} { scan [HTTP::uri] {/%s} cust set pl [class match -value $cust equals redirect_class] if {$pl ne ""} { HTTP::redirect "http://[string map "www $pl" [string tolower [HTTP::host]]][HTTP::uri]" } } } } [root@ve10:Active] config b class redirect_class list class redirect_class { { "customer1" { "pool1" } "customer2" { "pool13" } "customer3" { "pool4" } } } [root@ve10:Active] config curl -I -H "Host:" HTTP/1.0 302 Found Location: Server: BigIP Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 0 [root@ve10:Active] config curl -I -H "Host:" HTTP/1.0 302 Found Location: Server: BigIP Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 0 [root@ve10:Active] config curl -I -H "Host:" HTTP/1.0 302 Found Location: Server: BigIP Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 0
- Daniel_Reznicek
Hi nitass, - nitass
Do you know what the performance would be with ~2000 entries in that datagroup? I'm concerned about the lookup time with so many entries.i do not have performance data but i think ~2k entries is not too many.
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