Forum Discussion

sooner_man79_86's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 05, 2010

F5 Pool Member reports

Trying to run a report where it will list just specific pool members in an F5. I'm able to see all the pools when I view the F5 and 'all contained objects.' I'm able to select specific F5 pool members and tried both 'this object' and 'all contained objects' but I still don't get any data for either.





  • Julian_Balog_34's avatar
    Historic F5 Account



    Which report are you trying to run? I assume it's the "Pool Members Configured on Device", which is available under the F5 Device Reports when you select the F5 device in the diagram view. So, when you open this report, and just run it, without adding / removing any other objects / groups, do you get your LTM Pools listed? If yes, do you see the "+" sign for (expansion) in front of each LTM Pool listed? If yes, do you get any LTM Pool Members listed when you expand the "+" sign? I'd like to know these little details, before going into troubleshooting for missing data, etc.



    Let me know.


  • When I run the report I do get the LTM Pools list. I'm also able to expand the "+" sign for each and see the state. The report pulls up all the pool that are configuration on that device. Is there a way to have the report publish just a specific set of pools and not the entire pool members in that device?
  • Julian_Balog_34's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    The "Pool Members Configured on Device" report is designed to include ALL LTM Pool Members configured on the F5 Device and there's no way to customize that. The report requires an F5 Device object or group as an inclusion, to correctly list the contained LTM pools and members. If you try to remove the F5 Device and, say, add just a certain LTM Pool or LTM Virtual Server object to the report, the report won't process the contained [and expected] LTM Pool members, as it requires a [top-level] F5 Device object. So, you'll get an empty report. There's really no way to work around this, by having the report you'd like to have.



    But, if what you'd like to accomplish is really just having a more particular view of the F5 device hierarchy, only showing certain LTM Pool members hanging around, then you can create a custom distributed application diagram, that would resume to the top level F5 Device, with just a few of your LTM Pool members, of your liking. And that's fairly easy to create. If you think this would suffice for your purpose and if you need assistance, let me know.


