Forum Discussion

sarlindo's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jan 27, 2021

F5 APM/LTM Ansible module - which to use for changing apm access profile attached to VS?

I would like to use the ansible f5 modules to basically remove or add an access policy attached to a virtual server list. Which ansible f5 module would I use for that?



Would it be the bigip_asm_policy module? If so, I don't see where I see the association with the virtual servers access policy drop down list in the GUI.



      name: "{{ ans_f5_access_profile }}"

      partition: "{{ ans_f5_partition }}"

      active: yes

      state: present


        server: "{{ ans_f5_endpoint_url }}"

        user: "{{ ans_f5_userid }}"

        password: "{{ ans_f5_password }}"

        validate_certs: no



  • Hello Sarlindo.

    As I said in my previous response :-), 'profiles' option is a 'replace-all-with' action, so you have to introduce a complete list of profiles to assign on the VS.

    In the documentation states this:

    "List of profiles (HTTP, ClientSSL, ServerSSL, etc) to apply to both sides of the connection (client-side and server-side) ... If you want to remove a profile from the list of profiles currently active on the virtual, simply remove it from the profiles list".


    • With AP profile: {{ tcp http myaccess-prof }}
    • Without AP profile: {{ tcp http }}

    So, your variable "ans_f5_access_profile" should be a complete list with all the profiles assigned to the VS.

    If this was helpful, I will appreciate if you mark my answer as 'the best' to help other people to find it ;-).




  • Hello Sarlindo.


    You should use bigip_virtual_server and attach your access profile as a regular profile.


    This is the complete list of Ansible modules available.




    • sarlindo's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Hello Dario,


      Thanks for this, so I should use something like the following to attach the profile I want? And to detach the profile I assume I need to use the "state: absent" ?


       - name: Attach policy to VS


            state: present

            partition: "{{ ans_f5_partition }}"

            name: "{{ ans_f5_virtual_server }}"


              - "{{ ans_f5_access_profile }}"


              server: "{{ ans_f5_endpoint_url }}"

              user: "{{ ans_f5_userid }}"

              password: "{{ ans_f5_password }}"

              validate_certs: no


      • Just ommit this 'state' option.


        Please, let me know if everything works as expected.


