Forum Discussion

Pedro_Perez's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 21, 2011

Error in discovering after update BIG-IP



We have successfully been using the MP version


on our machines with the F5 BIG-IP version 10.0.1 Final Build 283.0


Recently we upgraded 2 of our machines with BIG-IP version 10.2.0 Build 1789.0 Hotfix HF2. Now the MP does not work on these machines and trying to make their discovery we get the following error:



Global Error: 0 : [08/21/2011 20:08:25]Failed to discover device at address: F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.DataFormatException: Invalid Monitor State. Version: 10.2.0 Value: 4 at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.Configuration.DeviceConfig._DoPostParseConfigItemProcessing(ConfigItem configItem) at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.Configuration.DeviceConfig._ParseConfigItemForEntityType(ConfigurationItem iQueryConfigItem, ConfigItemDefinition itemDef) at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.Configuration.DeviceConfig._GetConfigData(ConfigurationPacket configurationPacket, Boolean isUpdateRequest, ConfigProcessingMode configProcessingMode) at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.Configuration.DeviceConfig.ProcessConfigData(ConfigurationPacket configurationPacket, ConfigProcessingMode configProcessingMode) at F5Networks.ManagementPack.Discovery.DiscoveryManager.DiscoverDevice.<>c__DisplayClass2b.<>c__DisplayClass2e.<_StoreDeviceConfiguration>b__26()... (more lines)




our questions are:



Do we really need to update our MP to a higher version to monitor de BIG-IP version updated?



Is there any way to avoid this mistake with our current version of MP?



If we really need a higher version of the MP, where we could get it?



Thanks in advance for your answers. Resolving this issue as soon as possible is very important to our infrastructure because we have lost a monitoring that we had consolidated.











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