Hi !
I use BIG-IP 11.6.0 and try to enable SPDY. I have a VS with an Access Policy that uses an 'External Logon Page' action.
My config:
ifile with a custom login page
VS with:
- No Client SSL profile
- An AP that starts with an 'External Logon Page' action with a Server URI '/login'
- A pool select irule used to direct traffic to the login ifile
switch -regexp -- [string tolower [HTTP::path]] {
"^/login(/|$)" {
HTTP::respond 200 content [ifile get login-form] ...
... (pool selects for actual services) ...
- In front of this VS I have another VS. It has a Client SSL profile
Without SPDY
When I don't have SPDY enabled on my front VS everything works:
- /myservice 302 ->
- /my.policy 200 OK (APM will initiate a POST to the external logon page, /login)
- /login 200 OK. (/login is an iFile)
- user enters credentials (/login POST's these to /my.policy) ->
- /my.policy 302 ->
- /myservice (and I'm logged in)
When I enable SPDY on the front VS, things break:
- /myservice 302 ->
- /my.policy 200 OK (APM will initiate a POST to the external logon page, /login)
/login ( This request is made, but bad/no response is received by the client)
Chrome shows 'not available, ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR'. dev tool shows 'CAUTION: Provisional headers are shown' in place of request headers. No reponse headers are shown
- FF shows 'Secure Connection Failed'
- IE works
In the ltm log I can see:
- the AP in the inner VS has started
- the /login ifile has been served
- the outer VS has fired a HTTP_RESPONSE event
There are no log entries in apm or ltm other than those i make myself
if I go directly to the custom login page (i.e. I get the same error.
- If I repeat the request for the custom login page, it works (!)
I make no other change than enabling SPDY. If I disable SPDY again everything works normally.
Any tips on how to figure out this issue? I find nothing in the BIG-IP logs, error messages from the browsers are very generic, and since SPDY only works over HTTPS listening in on the traffic is difficult.