Forum Discussion

Pooja_s_123_330's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 23, 2017

Email alerts for specific node

Hello,   I am trying to have the email alerts when a node/pool goes down. I configured the /config/user_alerts.conf file to send the email but i get notification for every node/pool. What shall i ...
  • preslav_ilevski's avatar
    Aug 23, 2017

    Hi Pooja,

    I have similar problem and posted a question about it. I tried several solutions, and to call a script from user_alert.conf but it fails.

    Can you make a try by adding, to the /config/user_alert.conf, a new stanza like that:

    alert BIGIP_TEST "IP monitor status down" { 
        snmptrap OID="."; 
        email toaddress="email address" 
        body="Service DOWN" 


    As for the "IP" in the first row specify the ip address for one specific node.

