Forum Discussion

Ijaz_37879's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 09, 2010

Displaying Real-time statistics for a pool or virtual server




Can somebody post the command for displaying Real-time statistics for a pool or virtual server?



I understand bigtop can do it but can it continuously display the real time statistics for a specific pool or virtual server? I need to monitor specific pool and virtual server and want to see the real-time statistics for those through command line.



Thanks in advance,


  • hi Ijaz,


    What kind of real-time stats are you looking for?



  • if I remember correctly I have seen bigpipe command for it but I dont remember the syntax of it.
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    You can use 'b virtual VIP_NAME show' to get current stats for a virtual server or 'b pool POOL_NAME show' for a pool. You can use the watch command ('man watch' for details) to run the b virtual command and update it every x number of seconds:



    watch -n1 'b virtual test_vs show'






    watch -n1 'b pool test_pool show'



  • beginning in 10.1, you can write tmsh scripts to watch pool stats and display the desired stats. Check out this example in the codeshare:


  Click here



    The output for this script would look like this:



    pool_name bps-in bps-out cps




    A simple example that can be extended as necessary. Once the script is to your liking, creating an alias to it extends the shell with your new command.