Forum Discussion

f5beginner's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jul 29, 2019

Different port from client to F5 as from F5 to server



I need to set up different port from client to F5 as from F5 to server.




Virtual Server IP: with port 9035

Node A IP: with port 8050


Client will go to this url and F5 should change port to 8050 to reach Node A.


Do you have any Idea how to solve it ?


Thank you


  • Same answer...


    either you don’t enable any of http and ssl profiles on the virtual server, either you enable all of following:

    • client ssl profile
    • http profile
    • serverssl profile


    if you enable only http profile, it will fail

  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    Perhaps you would like to describe "does not work" further? What are the symptoms? Any error messages?

  • Very very difficult scenario 😉


    create the virtual server listening on port 9035...


    create the pool with member on port 8050.


    this is the only configuration to do (except if the backend server returns pages including absolute urls in links, image and css urls)

  • Hi Stanislas,


    yes it is easy, but it does not work. Maybe I did not mention, that traffic shoudl be SSL (HTTPS) on port 9035 same as 8050.



    • Stanislas_Piro2's avatar
      Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

      Same answer...


      either you don’t enable any of http and ssl profiles on the virtual server, either you enable all of following:

      • client ssl profile
      • http profile
      • serverssl profile


      if you enable only http profile, it will fail

  • Hi, unfortunately same issue, still does not work, everything was setted up as you wrote above, but still same.

  • Hi All, I found a issue. Problem was that traffic from F5 was encrypted and traffic from cisco asa shouldn´t be encrypted. So I only delete serverssl certificate and now it works. Thanks for help