Forum Discussion

suthomas1's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jul 15, 2020

configuration utility restarting (upgrade)

Good day all,


In doing an upgrade on a virtual f5 and after loading the partition the gui is seen stuck at "configuration utility restarting".

I have tried restarting tomcat & http based on online information , but its not helping.


License is fine with no errors on it. Its been rebooted few times, any suggestions will be welcome.

  • Ok, i have figured it out myself. Hopefully it helps people in similar dire situation.

    a) check current volume with list /sys software volum

    b) remove unwanted volume with delete /sys software "volu name (HD1.1)"

    c) do a load /sys config verify, should return clean with no errors

    d) reboot

    e) restart /sys service httpd


  • I did a few reboots again and it now shows inoperative in the command line.

    license output looks fine with no "expired" seen.


    Please help.

  • thanks, it seems to be in run state.

    i have rebooted and see the below errors.


    Jul 15 00:26:58 f5-labinfo mprov:11127:: 'There are NO extra disks.'

    Jul 15 00:26:58 f5-laberr mprov:11127:: 'Disk limit exceeded. 20088 MB are required to provision these modules, but only 7384 MB are available.'

    Jul 15 00:26:58 f5-labinfo mprov:11127:: 'Provisioning (validation) failed.'

    Jul 15 00:26:58 f5-laberr mcpd[9439]: 01071008:3: Provisioning failed with error 1 - 'Disk limit exceeded. 20088 MB are required to provision these modules, but only 7384 MB are available.' .

    Jul 15 00:26:58 f5-labemerg load_config_files: "/usr/bin/tmsh -n -g load sys config partitions all" - failed. -- Loading schema version: 11.5.1 Loading schema version: 01071008:3: Provisioning failed with error 1 - 'Disk limit exceeded. 20088 MB are required to provision these modules, but only 7384 MB are available.' . Unexpected Error: Loading configuration process failed.

    Jul 15 00:26:58 f5-laberr tmsh[11042]: 01420006:3: Loading configuration process failed.

    Jul 15 00:26:58 f5-labemerg load_config_files: "/usr/bin/tmsh -n -g load sys config partitions all" - failed. -- Loading schema version: 11.5.1 Loading schema version: 01071008:3: Provisioning failed with error 1 - 'Disk limit exceeded. 20088 MB are required to provision these modules, but only 7384 MB are available.' . Unexpected Error: Loading configuration process failed.

    Jul 15 00:26:59 f5-laberr mcpd[9439]: 01070425:3: Full configuration load failed.

    Jul 15 00:26:59 f5-labinfo promptstatusd[6329]: 01460007:6: semaphore mcpd.running(1) released

    Jul 15 00:26:59 f5-labnotice promptstatusd[6329]: 01460006:5: mcpd.running(1) released, subscribe to mcpd



    A check on disk properties show me the following.

    list /sys disk logical-disk HD1 all-properties

    sys disk logical-disk HD1 {

      mode mixed

      size 81920

      vg-free 3484

      vg-in-use 78228

      vg-reserved 0


    The error says "Provisioning failed with error 1 - 'Disk limit exceeded. 20088 MB are required to provision these modules, but only 7384 MB are available.'" about disk space. But i am not confident on how to identify which disk or vg- is it referring to,i can't see any 7384MB in disk outputs.


    Please assist.




  • Ok, i have figured it out myself. Hopefully it helps people in similar dire situation.

    a) check current volume with list /sys software volum

    b) remove unwanted volume with delete /sys software "volu name (HD1.1)"

    c) do a load /sys config verify, should return clean with no errors

    d) reboot

    e) restart /sys service httpd