Forum Discussion

Logan_Ramirez_5's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 08, 2005

conditional SNAT

We have a relatively simple environment: two data centers, one web server in each, one bigip in each. Basic pool in each office for web servers consists of (a) local web server and (b) other data center virtual server containing the other web server.



So, if local web down --> send to BIGIP in other DC to get serviced.



Recently, however, deployed an MPLS network with a couple of additional routers which has stopped this functionality from working (because I cannot, or do not know, how to get all of those routers to change their default gateway based on a web server failure).



While I could solve this by SNATTING all requests to the web server (the issue is the return path to the customer does not make it out because of incorrect default gateways in all intermediate routers), we use the IP logs for security auditing, etc.



What would be great is if when a external web request gets serviced by BIGIP, if it send the packet to the local web server, it does not SNAT, however, if it needs to send it to the other web server in the 2nd DC, it SNATS.



Being fairly new to iRules, I have no idea how to write this...would love some help...