Forum Discussion

5 Replies

  • Hi Emre, Yep, You are right, But I've tried it formerly and it didn't work! But for assurance I checked it again and at this time it works properly! However Many thanks in advance for your answer.


  • clearlcd_alert clearlcd_critical clearlcd_emergency clearlcd_error clearlcd_information clearlcd_warning


    depending on your version :)


    • epb_smithpj_241's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thank you for posting commands. This is the first I've found and has given me a starting point for new search terms. Not everyone opt's for the LCD screen, and I need some CLI foo!
  • Thanks a lot Nick, Yep, You are also Right, but I think pressing Check Button in front side of F5-LTM is better and also simpler to do that. However thanks for your regards Nick ;)