Forum Discussion

Teo13's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 04, 2021

Check how long it takes for a request to switch from a pool member to another if one is not available

Hello there :)


I'm trying to find out how long it takes a request to switch from a pool member to another if one is not available.

For example :

I have a configuration for load balancing that includes a pool with 2 members (A and B)

Let's say Server 'A' is unable to handle a request, and so it should be transfered to Server 'B'.

Is there any way to check the duration of this switch? How long it takes for the request to be transfered from A to B after A becomes unavailable?


Thank you!

  • That depends mostly on your monitor configuration. The intervals and timeouts of the monitors affect how long it takes for the bigip to recognize a pool member is down. Once a pool member is detected as unavailable, it depends on the clients and protocol how long it will take them to establish a new connection (which will then be directed to the remaining pool members)

    • The_Nirvana's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      Does the client require to establish a new session with the BIG IP or can the existing session be directed to the next pool member?