Forum Discussion

DineshVM_265886's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Feb 02, 2017

Changes in bigip.conf not reflecting in GUI

I need to create similar pools from one of the partitions with different pool name. So I modified the bigip.conf file and saved the file in tmsh. But it is not reflecting in the GUI. Am I missing something ?


  • It isn't recommended to edit the configuration files directly. If you are relatively new to F5, avoid direct editing of the files.

    If you still want to proceed editing the configuration files directly, you would need to execute the following after editing the file:

    tmsh load sys config

  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    Log out of the Configuration Utility and re-login. You might need to empty the browser cache.


  • I am facing similar issue

    I have performed below command but there is no use


    tmsh save sys config

    tmsh load sys config


  • Its best to use the following command to add the new pool with new details by copying the old pool details:


    load sys config from-terminal merge



    Copy and paste the configuration through F5 cli terminal


    user@(xxx)(cfg-sync In Sync)(/S1-green-P:Active)(/partition)(tmos)# load sys config from-terminal merge


    Enter pool configuration( which you have already prepared for new pool or use right click for paste option to paste the pool config)


    Press CTRL-D to submit or CTRL-C to cancel.

  • Hi Dear ,


    Issue resolved after issuing below commands


    tmsh load sys config partition all

    tmsh save sys config

