Nov 16, 2022Nimbostratus
Capture part of URL to redirect to another
I have a request to redirect from one URL to another based on the word "LOAN" in the query part of the URL. They only want to keep a random length string from the old URL to the redirected one Examp...
- Nov 17, 2022
Hello there,
if the requested information is always stored in variable KT1112_0_0_0= at request time, this script will capture exact variable value (not bound to length) and insert it in redirect url as acctNum valuewhen HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] contains "LOAN" }{ set acctNum [findstr [HTTP::query] "KT1112_0_0_0=" 13 &] HTTP::redirect "$acctNum&acctType=LOAN&type=Documents" } }
It's working in my lab