Can the F5 APM API Protection profile use for a DNS resolver a local F5 DNS/GTM listener VS?
Can the F5 APM API Protection profile use for a DNS resolver a local F5 DNS/GTM listener VS?
My question comes from that that I have APM and the DNS modules on the same F5 APM device and the F5 API Protection seems to not work but the logs show that that the API Protection profile per request policy is allowing my traffic so I am starting to think that the provided DNS resolver that is using an IP address that is a DNS lisener on the same box is the issue as the connection times out.
I did a tcpdump so the F5 never tries to contact the virtual servers or real servers that are used as API Protection servers attached to the paths and real servers are layer 2 connected and VS servers are on the F5 itself so it is not network or other connection issue as F5 just does not try to reach them at all so if it is not Per Request Policy or Network/firewall/connection issue then I am suspecting DNS issue as in the API Protection profile you need to specify URL/URI and can't use an IP address for the servers so this is why the DNS resolver should resolve the DNS FQDN names.
I think that the issue could be the same as like when I do a dig command from the F5 device and select the lisener as a DNS server I get the error "reply from an unexpected source" as the F5 device is basically asking itself for a DNS resolution and maybe the F5 DNS Resolver is having a similar issue. With a dig command from the F5 device I can specify and I get the Wide-IP or zone runner DNS records but the DNS resolver does not accept as a name server.
I finally got to this (I upgraded to from 16.1.3 so this could also be important) and I also tested with the pet store that was given as an example in . With external DNS resolver (in my case google it works like a charm and it seems to me that when referensing external or internal DNS resolvable API then the server mode is best used and when referensing a local pool of API servers then the pool mode is best used. My picture below is with the petstore servers without having a pool attached to the virtual server.
Now I have other issues as after intergrating with Azure AD as oauth provider and a sync of the public keys that are at I see the F5 APM getting the keys every hour and they are correct but when I request a token with postman and get a correct token that I have checked at the APM things that there is no valid key that signed the token but this seems like a Job for the support hah as the key is in the APM after I checked.
Nov 8 18:16:15 err apmd[12601]: 01490290:3: /Common/API-PETS_ap::77A02581./Common/oauth/HYQYY5JU7+XxiUmSSuLWgsiAtUEug9m2c9njSNvseiQ=:/Common/oauth_act_oauth_scope_subsession_ag: OAuth Scope: failed for jwt-provider-list '/Common/exampleJWTProvider' , error: None of the configured JWK keys match the received JWT token, JWT Header: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjJaUXBKM1VwYmpBWVhZR2FYRUpsOGxWMFRPSSJ9
I even dumped the token with a subsession variable just to see if the APM is getting the correct one with variable assign agent in the Per-Request API protection policy " subsession.logon.last.jwt = expr { "[mcget {request.header.authorization}]"} " and the logging agent " %{subsession.logon.last.jwt} " and it is the the same one in Postman and valid so enough of the support was done by me 🙂
I am closing this and as a recommendation an external DNS resolver going to an IP address not on the same F5 device needs to be configured. I may create an iRule and community Tech Article with TCP::collect and TCP::respond to see if this can be bypassed but that is in the future.
I even checked when the web browser clients are using authorization codes and F5 exchanges them with Azure AD for tokens and validates them it works normally without an issue ( with the tokens the F5 per-request policy gets under "subsession.oauth.client.last.access_token" can be decrypted but a logging agent is used as the per-request policy does not have message agent ) but when tokens are send directly to the F5 with postman for API protection well it seems a bug to me.