Apr 25, 2012Nimbostratus
Can I spoof a source address with an iRule?
Let's say I have 4 IP addresses
IP-A Client ip address
IP-B Virtual server address
IP-C Pool member associated to Virtual address
IP-D IP I'm wanting to spoof.
I want the connection to work as follows....
1) Client makes a connection to IP-B
2) Big-IP sends connection to Pool member IP-C. There is no Natting taking place so Pool member IP-C sees the source address IP-A.
3) IP-C responds to IP-A, the packet arrives back to the Big-IP.
4) I want the packet to leave Big-IP with a source address of IP-D Destination IP-A.
I know this may look like a weird request. It is an attempt to do some asymmetrical routing between two datacenters.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.