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Sumanta_88744's avatar
Jun 09, 2016

Persistence profile - How will I use source address affinity based load balancing?

Hi Experts

How will I use source address affinity based persistence profile across different pools having different IP but same port? For example there are two virtual server and has pool members and has pool members and

            Load balance algorithm is Round Robin.


Will source based persistence work in this case, such that all sessions from same source IP, say x.x.x.x goes to and Any other session from y.y.y.y should go to the other pool members.



  • Don't worry, it's a common scenario for me.

    Just pay attention that the upstream proxy insert the "X-Forwarded-For" header, or maybe another one "True-Client-IP" or even "X-Client-IP".

    If you are just nating using a firewall, I think that the header is not inserted.

    I add this peace of code in the example :


    set clientip [IP::client_addr]


    because you may have situation where there is no "X-Forwarded-For" in the request, so that we can persist also in this scenario.

  • "Persistence" is about sticking to a common back-end pool. In your case, it is different pool member as the IP of the pool member is different. You can try to use Universal Persistence (UIE) with a specific hash value assigned to groups of pool members but it can get confusing. If you use the same back-end pool members, you can select "Match Across VS" within source IP based persistence.


  • Yes that's possible. Below an example that you may need to adapt to fit your needs :


    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
        persist add uie $clientip
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        set clientip ""
        if { [HTTP::header exists "X-Forwarded-For"] } {
            set clientip [HTTP::header "X-Forwarded-For"]
        } else {
            set clientip [IP::client_addr]
        persist uie $clientip


    • Sumanta_88744's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Hi Yann Thanks for your help on this. Please note that in my case, client IP in incoming session traffic to F5, represents a single IP NAT-ed to different source IPs. For example, different PCs using DHCP enabled IP addresses behind a firewall, but with single public IP, from the firewall. So, the IP header has single IP, but the http XFF header will have different client IPs. Will this at all work? I haven't come across such a complex scenario before.
  • Yes that's possible. Below an example that you may need to adapt to fit your needs :


    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
        persist add uie $clientip
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        set clientip ""
        if { [HTTP::header exists "X-Forwarded-For"] } {
            set clientip [HTTP::header "X-Forwarded-For"]
        } else {
            set clientip [IP::client_addr]
        persist uie $clientip


    • Sumanta_88744's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Hi Yann Thanks for your help on this. Please note that in my case, client IP in incoming session traffic to F5, represents a single IP NAT-ed to different source IPs. For example, different PCs using DHCP enabled IP addresses behind a firewall, but with single public IP, from the firewall. So, the IP header has single IP, but the http XFF header will have different client IPs. Will this at all work? I haven't come across such a complex scenario before.
  • Don't worry, it's a common scenario for me.

    Just pay attention that the upstream proxy insert the "X-Forwarded-For" header, or maybe another one "True-Client-IP" or even "X-Client-IP".

    If you are just nating using a firewall, I think that the header is not inserted.

    I add this peace of code in the example :


    set clientip [IP::client_addr]


    because you may have situation where there is no "X-Forwarded-For" in the request, so that we can persist also in this scenario.

    • Sumanta_88744's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Hi Yann Thanks. I have noticed one thing that the XFF is present in all http sessions. So this should work for me. I'll try it on Monday and update you. Also, do I need to use One Connect as well? It is given in sol7392: Overview of universal persistence. Again, too complex. Regards, Sumanta.
    • Vijay_E's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Use OneConnect for any L7 persistence. So, yes use it.
    • Sumanta_88744's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Hi All This is giving error while trying to change source based persistence to universal. 01070394:3: HTTP_REQUEST event in rule (/Common/iRule_xff) requires an associated HTTP or FASTHTTP profile on the virtual server (/Common/AFG_XCAP_VS).
  • Don't worry, it's a common scenario for me.

    Just pay attention that the upstream proxy insert the "X-Forwarded-For" header, or maybe another one "True-Client-IP" or even "X-Client-IP".

    If you are just nating using a firewall, I think that the header is not inserted.

    I add this peace of code in the example :


    set clientip [IP::client_addr]


    because you may have situation where there is no "X-Forwarded-For" in the request, so that we can persist also in this scenario.

    • Sumanta_88744's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Hi Yann Thanks. I have noticed one thing that the XFF is present in all http sessions. So this should work for me. I'll try it on Monday and update you. Also, do I need to use One Connect as well? It is given in sol7392: Overview of universal persistence. Again, too complex. Regards, Sumanta.
    • Vijay_E's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Use OneConnect for any L7 persistence. So, yes use it.
    • Sumanta_88744's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Hi All This is giving error while trying to change source based persistence to universal. 01070394:3: HTTP_REQUEST event in rule (/Common/iRule_xff) requires an associated HTTP or FASTHTTP profile on the virtual server (/Common/AFG_XCAP_VS).