Forum Discussion

tihi_341714's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 06, 2018

Custom error page iRule with IP address filtering



I'm not good with writing iRules so I would like some help. :)


We have a BIG-IP device with LTM and AFM provisioned. Customer would like us to configure the following. They have a list of public IP addresses that are allowed to reach/connect their server in our infra. They want to allow these addresses to access the server, but anything else besides these IPs should be redirected to a custom "underconstruction.html" page.


So I'm guessing the iRule would look like something like this:


if allowed ips try to access SERVER then forward traffic to POOL


else redirect to underconstruction.html


I'm bad at progamming, so this is all I got, I wouldn't know how to program this. :)


Or can this be done with LTM policies?


Any help is very much appriciated.


  • You can use LTM policy to achieve requirement.

    However iRule is also choice. Create data group

    and try below iRule.

        when HTTP_REQUEST {
         if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals MyIPList] } {
              pool alternate_pool
         } else {
              HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host]/underconstruction.html"
  • You can use LTM policy to achieve requirement.

    However iRule is also choice. Create data group

    and try below iRule.

        when HTTP_REQUEST {
         if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals MyIPList] } {
              pool alternate_pool
         } else {
              HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host]/underconstruction.html"
    • tihi_341714's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thanks a lot! I managed to get this working with an iFile.


      Have a nice day!